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How to get rid of algae in a fish tank glass?

How to get rid of algae in a fish tank glass?

How often do you dream of having an elegant fish tank glass? Yet, no matter how much you try to keep the algae at bay, they keep on coming back. Firstly, you need to know that there are two kinds of algae: the excellent kind and the harmful kind. The right type of algae grows naturally and is healthy for your fish tank. 

However, the main concerns come in when the toxic algae fix aggressively on your fish tank glass. Therefore, it becomes increasingly difficult to get rid of algae in fish tank glass completely. 

This article will help you control the algae growth and also provide a solution on how to get rid of algae in a fish tank glass

How to keep a check on excess algae growth?

By following these quick steps, you could easily keep a track on the algae overgrowth in your fish tank glass.

Try reducing the lighting in the fish tank
Make sure that you don’t keep the tank in direct sunlight for too long. Sunlight is more likely to accelerate the algae growth process. Additionally, if you are utilizing artificial lighting, please be careful that it does not exceed the requirement. Also keep in mind that the exposure time is in between 8-10 hours each day. To make it more convenient, you can use a timer to turn the lights on and off automatically.

Reduce the Frequency of feeding your fish
Most fish owners usually overfeed their fish, which ultimately leads to an increase in the phosphate levels in the water tank. This problem can be solved by feeding your fish less frequently. And, if they don’t consume their food within 5 minutes, then you need to rethink the feeding frequency. Additionally, you can also remove excess food instantly.

Tackle the water changes in your fish tank

Regular cleaning of the tank can reduce the algae growth to some extent. However, if you check and change your fish tank water up to 10-15 percent every week religiously, then this would help you in controlling the nutrient level in water as well. Hence, this process would prove beneficial in reducing the nitrate percentage in the water, and then eventually, the water stability would be balanced evenly.

This is especially important in order to prevent the growth of brown algae on fish tank glass.
Tried everything and nothing helped?
Tried every tip, and still, nothing helped yet? Then it’s time to check the water source by testing the phosphorus and nitrate level in the water tank since they play a key role in water quality. After testing, if there are found to be present in a high amount, then it is advisable to use chemicals that would be potent in reducing their level. 

However, if even this didn’t help you, consider scraping the hard surfaces such as rocks or glass as algae love growing at these sites. The last solution is to keep a few algae-eating fish such as the otocinclus, Plecostomus, flying fox in your fish tank.

Final Words

So, these were the quick and easy tips to help you to get rid of algae on fish tank glass. Stop thinking and start applying these tips for real. However, I must tell you that you can’t get rid of the algae entirely forever, so you must learn to consider them as an organism just like the fishes in your fish tank.

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