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Easy Way to Clean Algae From Fish Tank Decorations

Easy Way to Clean Algae from Fish Tank Decorations

Having a fish tank is great. You can add your own personal touch and style, and they generally do not take a lot of maintenance. However, an important and requirement of having a fish tank is regularly cleaning your fish tank decorations. This is important for your fish’s health and for the appearance of your fish tank. Unfortunately, it is really easy for algae to grow on fish tank decorations. Therefore, it is very important that you clean algae from your fish tank decorations the second you notice it. Below we have put together the best and easiest way to clean algae from fish tank decorations.

Easy Way to Clean Algae from Fish Tank Decorations

Before getting started, make sure that your wash your hands. Only wash your hands with warm water, because if you use soap, it can endanger your fish when you stick your hand in the fish tank.

  • Take out fish tank decorations one by one
  • Put all the decorations in a bowl of hot water (this will help loosen up the algae)
  • Make a solution of 1 gallon of water and 2 teaspoons of bleach
  • Place the fish tank decorations into the bowl of the bleach solution. Let them sit for four minutes. Whenever working with bleach, make sure you are using plastic gloves to cover your hands.
  • If the algae are still sticking to the fish tank decorations, take a brush and try scraping off the algae. Be careful not to scrub too hard that your scratch the paint of the décor.
  • After removing the remaining algae, wash each fish tank decoration thoroughly under a faucet of cold water. This will help remove any of the remaining algae and the bleach that is on the fish tank décor. If there is still some algae on the fish tank décor, try scrubbing it off with a sponge or with a dry rag.
  • Finally, but the decorations into a bowl that has some dechlorinater in it. This ensure that your fish tank decorations will be safe to put back in the tank.

When setting the fish tank decorations back into the tank, make sure to do it slowly. If you drop them to fast, they can stir up dust in your fish tank and scare your fish.

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