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Best Freshwater Fish For 5 Gallon Tank

Best Freshwater Fish For 5 Gallon Tank

Five-gallon aquariums are widely used because you can easily keep them in your small room or apartment. They are easy to set up and also require limited stocking options.

However, you should keep in mind that since it is a small aquarium, it requires an extremely healthy environment for the survival of freshwater fish.

Let’s have a look at some best freshwater fish for 5-gallon aquariums.

Best Freshwater Fish For 5 Gallon Tank

The best freshwater fish for a 5 gallon tank are Betta Fish, Dwarf Puffer Fish, Fancy Guppies and Endler Guppies.

If you are looking to decorate your 5 gallon fish tank, you should check out my article on Star Wars Fish Tank Decorations.

1.   Betta Fish

The Betta Fish is a small and aggressive 5-gallon tank fish that originally belongs to Thailand. If you want to have a beta in your aquarium, you should maintain the water temperature around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Betta fish need a warm environment because they are originally from tropical waters.

You should note that it is not advisable to put two male betta fish in the same tank. This is because they are very territorial and will get aggressive against one another. However, you can put a female betta fish with a male fish.

2.   Dwarf Puffer Fish

Dwarf puffer fish originally belong to India and are only 1 inch in length. They are the smallest species of puffer fish, which make them a great fit for a 5 gallon tank.

Make sure to keep the pH of the water from six to seven if you want this fish to live a healthy life. It is also important to do regular water changes of your tank.

Similar to other puffer fish species, your dwarf puffer fish might puff up. However, this is usually only done when they feel defensive or threatened. I would suggest that you don’t put more than two Dwarf Puffer Fish in your tank.

3.   Fancy Guppies

Just as the name indicates, Fancy Guppies are extremely beautiful with striking colors. They originally belong to South America. Fancy Guppies usually don’t get bigger than 2 inches. You can keep up to 3 fancy guppies in a five gallon tank.

Normally they survive at 7 pH and the best temperature for them is around 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

4.   Endler Guppies

These are a rare guppy species and usually live in warm freshwater tanks. This species requires a green environment for survival so if you want to keep it you should include various floating plants in your aquarium.

Their length varies from 1.2 inches to 1.8 inches. I would recommend putting no more than three Endler Guppies in a 5 gallon fish tank.

One of the best things about Endler Guppies is that they love to jump. For this reason, you should make sure your tank has a lid over it.  


As you have read above, there are plenty of options for a five-gallon fish tank. The most important thing with a small tank is to do regular water changes and maintain a healthy environment.

Since a 5 gallon tank is so small, unhealthy conditions can kill a fish in as little as a couple hours. Therefore, it is always important to check on your fish tank at least once a day. It is also important not to overfeed your fish, as excess food can cause bacteria to grow in your tank.

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