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White Stringy Stuff in Fish Tank

White Stingy Stuff in the Fish Tank

So, you just got a new fish tank and filled it with hopes along with water, brand new out-of-the-box tank, filter, heater, gravel, plants, etc. In short, you supplied the tank with all sorts of essentials in order to guarantee a safe and healthy life to the dwellers of that tank.

But imagine that you suddenly notice a stringy white substance in your fish tank covering your aquatic plants and even your fish. What would you do in that scenario? Well, no need to start fussing over it as we are here to tell you all about that white stringy stuff in your fish tank.

What is the White Stringy Stuff in my Fish Tank?

The stuff that you are referring to as white stringy stuff is most likely a from of algae. The most common type of algae that looks like white stringy stuff is hair algae.

It can be a real eyesore to many fish enthusiasts in the states. It can also sometimes take the form of a clear, jelly like substance.

More about Hair algae

Hair algae is a commonly occurring species of the algae family, and they thrive in environments that are well supplied with oxygen, full of nutrients, and that lack predators and consumers of algae-like Hair algae.

It is especially prevalent in small tanks, such as a 2 gallon fish tank. Small scale fish tanks generally lack any natural predators to these algae species, and therefore they can easily grow up to a large scale and cover up a large portion of your fish tank.

A fast and easy way to deal with hair algae is to put some Algae Fix into your fish tank.

It is designed to specifically treat string and hair algae.

Is hair algae harmful to your fish tank?

Hair algae, just like any other algae species, depend on oxygen found dissolved in the water. Therefore, an algal bloom of hair algae can easily deprive the water of oxygen which, if left unchecked, can lead to the death of your fish and aquatic plants.

Another way algal blooms can hurt the inhabitants of your aquarium is by consuming all the nutrients found in the water and therefore depriving your plants of such vital nutrients.

How to prevent hair algae?

The very basic things that you can do to prevent your fish tank from hair algae are as follows.

1. Change the water regularly

Changing the water of your fish tank is your first line of defense against hair algae and other such headaches. Changing water regularly will not only purge any algal buds out of your tank but will also help in improve the overall health of your tank’s inhabitants. If algae is growing on your ornaments, you should check out my article on an Easy Way to Clean Algae From Fish Tank Decorations.

2. Algae eating fish

As stated earlier, algae species thrive in fish tanks as they lack any natural predators. Therefore, a straightforward method to counter such algal blooms is by introducing an algae-eating fish in your fish tank. Algae-eating fish are essential for the well-being of your aquarium as, without a measure against algae, your tank will soon be covered by oxygen-absorbing algae. This will certainly jeopardize the health of your fish.