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Why do Baby Snails Appear in a Fish Tank?

Why do Baby Snails Appear in a Fish Tank?

So, you are a fish enthusiast who has just assembled a new aquarium. You have supplied your aquarium with all essentials, including a water filter and an aerator. You have decorated your new tank with all kinds of decorations and have filled it with various kinds of colorful fishes.

Maybe you have also added some plants to give your mini-ocean a distinct character. As you admire your creation and pat yourself on the shoulder, you suddenly notice something crawling in the tank; on closer inspection, you realize that it’s a snail, and that surely can’t be good news for your tank. In this article, we will tell our readers all about such snails and how to get rid of them.

Why do Baby Snails Appear in a Fish Tank?

Those snails that you see in your tank are considered pests by aquarium experts as those pesky individuals not only feed on the food that was meant for your fishes, but they also compete against the fish and plants present in your tank for oxygen. All this can be really dangerous for the legal inhabitants of your aquarium.

How do snails get in a fish tank?

Water snails generally lay their eggs in the gravel present in the bottom of any aquarium or on plants that are vital components of many aquarium eco-systems. Those snails probably found their way into your aquarium as eggs hidden in the gravel that you bought from the aquarium store. That’s why it’s always suggested only to buy aquarium supplies from a reputed store. The two most reputable stores for fish tank products are Petsmart and Petco. You can also order aquarium supplies from amazon.

Plants, as mentioned earlier, can also serve as the carriers of these pests, and that’s why experienced fish keepers tend to quarantine their plants in a bleach solution before introducing them in their tanks. I also recommend that you clean any gravel that you buy for your aquarium.

Types of snails in fish tanks

Following are some basic types of pest snails

Pond Snails

These are the most invasive and widespread species of these pest snails. Pond snails breed like rabbits and can lay eggs on almost all surfaces, including the walls of the fish tank. They have small round shells and are pea-sized.

Ramshorn Snails

Characterized by spiral shape and taller size, these pests are generally dime-sized.  They also can lay eggs on the glass walls of the tank but don’t breed as rapidly as other snail types. These snails are more easy to eradicate compared to pond snails.

Aquarium Fish that eat snails

A very creative way to keep a check on the population of these pests is to have a snail-eating fish in your tank. These fish will also bring diversity and more character to your aquarium.

A very common example of a snail-eating fish is the Clown and Yoyo Loach. If you have a 55 plus gallon tank, then these fish are the ideal option for you. If provided with reasonable care, these fish will prove to be snail-eating machines in your tank. Other good choices for fish-eating snails include Goldfish, Betta, Gourami, and Green spotted Puffers.

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