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Can Fish Eat Bananas?

Can Fish Eat Bananas?

Whether you have some left over in your house or you are short on regular fish food, you might want to know if fish can eat bananas. This article will answer that question and explore the health benefits and shortcomings of bananas as a fish food.

Can fish eat bananas?

Yes, fish can certainly eat bananas. The vast majority of fish are herbivores and require fruit in their diet.

Below I will call out the ingredients of bananas that are most beneficial for fish.

Are bananas healthy for fish?

Yes, bananas are healthy for fish as they consist of important vitamins and nutrients including vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and protein.

Vitamin C

Bananas are high in vitamin C which is very healthy for fish. Vitamin C helps strengthen your fish’s immune system and protects them from diseases.


Bananas also contain a lot of antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and prevent disease in your fish.


Fiber is essential for a fish’s digestive health, and bananas contain a lot of it. This will help maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation.


Bananas also contain a lot of potassium, which is essential for a fish’s diet. It helps their bones grow, and also improves the condition of their scales.


Lastly, despite being a fruit, bananas are high in protein. This is important, especially for young fish, as it helps them grow.

Aside from nutritional value, bananas can also benefit your fish tank in other ways.

Regulates pH

Bananas have a chemical compound called tannins, which can be used to help regulate the pH level in your fish tank.

Plant growth

Due to its high potassium content, bananas can also provide nutrients for any plants that you have in your fish tank.

Bananas can also be fed to other animals you might have in your tank, such as shrimp.

How to feed banana to your fish

It is pretty simple to feed a banana to your fish. Start off by washing your hands to make sure you don’t have any dangerous chemicals on hour hands. Wash your hands only with warm water, as soap is toxic to fish.

Next, peel the banana. The skin of a banana is not digestible for fish, so it can cause constipation if your fish eats it.

Make sure to remove any of the spoiled parts of the banana, as they can cause bacteria in your fish tank.

Next, cut the banana into small slices.

Finally, put the slices into the fish tank. I suggest starting out with just one slice to make sure you fish like it.

The slice will quickly sink to the bottom of the tank. If it is your first time, your fish might be a little hesitant at first. However, after a minute or two they will probably swim over to investigate the banana.

After a quick look they will probably start eating it. Since bananas have a high water content, they will likely disintegrate in a couple minutes.

If the banana is still there after two minutes, I suggest removing it from the tank. It can cause your water to get dirty if you allow it to decompose in your tank. It can also cause your fish tank to smell.

Can you only feed your fish bananas?

While bannas are definitely a healthy food source for your fish, it should not be the only thing that you feed them. This is because it is missing a couple important nutrients that are essential for your fish’s diet.

In particular, it doesn’t have any vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 helps  bone formation in fish, especially young ones that are still growing.

How often should you feed your fish bananas?

I suggest feeding your fish a banana once or twice a week at most as a treat. While your fish will almost certainly love the taste, it can cause dietary problems if your fish consumes to much of it.

In particular, bananas contain a lot of carbs. While adult fish can safely consume small amounts of carbs, they are not particularly healthy for younger fish.


I hope this article helped explain that fish can eat bananas, and that bananas have a lot of health benefits for fish. That being said, it should not be the staple of their diet, and I suggest only feeding them a banana once or twice a week.

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