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Do Glofish Need a Bubbler/Air Pump?

do glofish need a bubbler

You might have seen that many glofish tanks have a bubbler (or air pump). This device generates bubbles in your tank that move around the water and float to the surface. You might be wondering if glofish need a bubbler?

Do glofish need a bubbler?

While a bubbler/air pump does have health benefits for glofish, they are not required. Your glofish can live a healthy life without one.

While bubblers are not required for a glofish tank, it is worth noting some of the benefits.

Why are bubblers/air pumps good for a glofish tank?

The main benefits of bubblers for glofish is that they help add oxygen to the water, encourage exercise, and can approve the aesthetic of your tank.

Adding oxygen

While glofish don’t need air bubbles, they do need dissolved oxygen. The main benefit of a bubbler in a glofish tank is that it helps increase the levels of dissolved oxygen in your fish tank water. Fish breathe by intaking dissolved oxygen through their gills, so it is important that there is enough dissolved oxygen in the water for them to breathe normally.

A bubbler works by inserting air into the bottom of the tank, which then float up to the surface of the water. Once the bubble reaches the top of the water, it creates a surface agitation which allows for carbon dioxide to leave the water, and for oxygen to enter it. Therefore, a bubbler will help your fish breathe easier by allowing more oxygen to enter the water.

The oxygen level of your water should be around 5 to 7 ppm. You can check oxygen levels with a dissolved oxygen meter. If your water has 4 or less ppm, I suggest you get a bubbler to increase oxygen levels. Aside from checking oxygen levels, I also suggest that you regularly check the pH levels in your glofish tank.

If you don’t have a dissolved oxygen meter, you should keep a close eye on your glofish to make sure they are not displaying any symptoms associated with low oxygen levels.

The main signs of low oxygen levels include:

  • Your glofish is not swimming around as much as they usually do
  • Glofish starts spending a lot of time at the top of the tank
  • Glofish keeps opening its mouth
  • Glofish gills are moving more than usual

In extreme cases, these signs could be a way to tell if your glofish is dying.

Encourage exercise

If you already have glofish, you have probably noticed that they are pretty active and like to swim around. A bubbler can peak their interest, and it might entice them to swim in and around the bubbles.

This will help keep them healthy by encouraging exercise, and it can help prevent stress by keeping them stimulated.

Improved aesthetic

While it’s not a health benefit, air bubbler can certainly help improve the aesthetic of your tank. The bubbles can give the tank a realistic feel and can also create a nice soothing sound.

There are also some cool bubblers that come with additional accessories. For example, there is a glofish LED bubbling stone that has a light attached to the bubbler.

There are also some cool fish tank decorations that have room for you to put a bubbler inside of it and shoot bubbles out.

Alternatives to bubblers for glofish tank

If you don’t want to add an air pump to your glofish tank, there are other ways to help increase the oxygen levels in your water.

Water changes

Regular water changes are a great way to maintain enough dissolved oxygen in your fish tank water. This will also help filter out harmful toxins such as ammonia. I suggest doing a 25% water change at least every other week.

Power filter

There are some power filters that have built in air pumps. These filters help keep your fish tank clean while also increasing oxygen levels by pushing bubbles into the water.

There are also some types of filters that operate like a waterfall. By pouring water into the tank, it helps create disruption on the water surface which helps generate more dissolved oxygen.

Live plants

Plants are another great way to help increase dissolved oxygen levels in your glofish tank. While undergoing photosynthesis, plants consume the carbon dioxide that is in the water, and in turn release oxygen.

Don’t overcrowd your glofish tank

It is important that you don’t overcrowd your glofish tank. Ideally, you should have no more than one glofish per gallon of water.

When glofish tanks are overcrowded, the glofish compete for resources such as food and oxygen. Therefore, your tank is more likely to experience low oxygen levels when the tank is overcrowded.

If you do have a lot of glofish, I recommend that you check out some glofish tank decorations which can help reduce stress in glofish by providing them with hiding spots.

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