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How to Setup the Glofish LED Bubbling Air Stone

glofish led bubbling air stone setup

If you’re looking to add a bit of extra flair to your GloFish fish tank, the GloFish LED Bubbling Air Stone is a great way to do it. This bubbling air stone is designed to provide a gentle stream of bubbles that float to the top of the tank. This helps oxygenate the water and creates a beautiful light show. Setting up the GloFish LED Bubbling Air Stone is a relatively simple process that can be done in just a few steps.

How to Setup the Glofish LED Bubbling Air Stone Setup

To setup the GloFish LED Bubbling Air Stone, you must connect the air tube from the air pump to the bubbling stone, and then turn on the air pump.

If this is your first time setting up this glofish accessory, I suggest you do it outside of the fish tank.

The last step is simple. Put it into your fish tank and let your glofish have a ball.

Related article: Do glofish need a bubbler?

Getting started

The first step is to make sure that you have all the necessary components. Unfortunately, a common mistake that people make is that they buy the air stone and think it will produce bubbles by itself.

You’ll need the GloFish LED Bubbling Air Stone, an air pump, and an air line/tube.

setting up the glofish air stone

The air pump is what generates the bubbles, which it passes through to the air stone, which then sends the bubbles up.

Connecting the air tubes

Once you have all the components, you’ll need to assemble them. Start by connecting the air line to the air pump and then to the GloFish LED Bubbling Air Stone. You connect the tube to the air stone near where the cord is.

glofish air stone tube

Make sure that the connections are secure and that there are no leaks.

Turn on the air pump

Next, you’ll need to connect the power adapter to the air pump. Plug the power adapter into a nearby outlet and then turn on the power switch. The power switch location on the air pump will depend on the brand, but it should be easy to find. There are some air pump that automatically turn on when you plug it in.

Some models might make a sound. However, most air pumps will only start making sound once it is in the water.

Place in the fish tank

Once the GloFish LED Bubbling Air Stone is bubbling, you’ll need to place it in the fish tank. There really isn’t a strict rule of where you should place the air stone. You can really put it anywhere in the tank as long as it is on the bottom.

Some people suggest that you put the air stone in a place that doesn’t get a lot of water movement already, but in most cases (especially in small tanks) it doesn’t really matter.

I will say there are some cool fish tank ornaments that have place holders for air stones. Those could be worth checking out.

Also, you should know that the air stone has a switch that adjust the power of the bubbles. This is great because you can speed them up or slow them down.

Since glofish usually sleep on the bottom, I suggest starting out with a slow speed to help them adjust.

Turn on the lights

Finally, you’ll need to turn on the LED lights. The GloFish LED Bubbling Air Stone has a built-in LED light that will create a beautiful light show in your aquarium. To turn on the lights, simply press the power button on the air stone.

You can also increase the light in your tank by installing a glofish LED light. However, while you can keep the air stone on at night, I do not recommend keeping the glofish LED light on all night.

Benefits of the Glofish Air Stone?

Now that you have it all set up, I do want to remind you of all the benefits of adding the air stone to your tank. Aside from creating a light show in your tank, it has health benefits for your GloFish.

The biggest is that it helps add oxygen to the water. It does this by creating water movement and converting the carbon dioxide to oxygen. This can help increase the pH of your water.

Secondly, many GloFish are stimulated by swimming through the bubbles. You will likely see them darting through the bubbles and even swimming upside down. This stimulation helps prevent them from getting stressed.

Lastly, an air pump can help circulate water in your fish tank which can help prevent the build up of bacteria and waste. This helps protect your GloFish, and helps prevent bad odors and jelly like substances on the water.


Setting up the GloFish LED Bubbling Air Stone is a relatively simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Once you have the components assembled and the air stone in place, you’ll be able to enjoy the beautiful light show that the GloFish LED Bubbling Air Stone provides. With a little bit of effort, you can create a stunning display in your aquarium that will be sure to impress your friends and family.

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