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Can Glofish Live With Other Fish?

Can Glofish Live With Other Fish

When it comes to choosing the right fish for your aquarium, it can be difficult to know which species will get along with each other. One of the most popular aquarium fish is the GloFish, a brightly colored fish that is genetically modified. While GloFish are often kept alone, they can also be kept with other fish species. In this blog post, we’ll discuss which fish can live with GloFish and how to create a successful aquarium environment for them.

Can glofish live with other fish?

Yes, glofish can certainly live with other fish. In fact, they are school fish, so they naturally prefer to be around a lot of other fish.

When it comes to choosing tankmates for glofish, it’s important to select species that are compatible with them. You will need to choose a tankmate that has similar environmental needs, such as temperature, water chemistry, and diet.

You also want to choose a fish that is not known for being aggressive.

What fish can live with glofish?

Some of the best fish to keep with glofish include White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Neon Tetras, Guppies, Harlequin Rasboras, and Dwarf Gouramis. All of these fish are peaceful, colorful, and relatively easy to care for.

Glofish also live well with algae eaters.

Size of fish

It’s also important to consider the size of the fish when selecting tankmates for glofish. Glofish are relatively small, so it’s best to avoid larger fish that may view them as prey. A glofish might naturally be scared of a very large fish, which can cause them to be stressed.

Some larger fish that can be kept with GloFish include Angelfish, Silver Dollars, and Plecostomus. However, it’s important to make sure that the tank is large enough to accommodate these larger fish. You should have at least a 20 gallon tank if you have one of the fish mentioned above.

GloFish are not naturally aggressive, but they can become aggressive if they are kept in an environment that is not suitable for them. This can include overcrowding, poor water quality, or a lack of hiding places. In these cases, GloFish may become territorial and aggressive towards other fish.

How to help your glofish live peacefully with other fish?

You can prevent your glofish from becoming aggressive with each other and other fish by setting the proper temperature, having decorations, maintaining water quality, reducing light and noise, and maintaining a steady diet.


You should make sure that your temperature stays within a healthy range of what is required for glofish. In general, glofish need a water temperature of around 74-80 degrees fahrenheight.

If the water is too hot or too cold, it can cause them to get stressed out and become more aggressive. It can even cause your glofish to swim sideways.

Therefore, when choosing a tankmate for your glofish, you should make sure that the fish can live in water that is between 74-80 degrees fahrenheight.  

While glofish can live with goldfish, it is probably best to choose a species that can live in warmer waters.


When creating an aquarium environment for GloFish, it’s important to provide plenty of decorations, hiding places and plants. GloFish can be timid fish that prefer to hide, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of places to retreat. This is certainly true if you have other species of fish in your tank.

If you want some ideas of what to put in your tank, you should check out my article on the best glofish tank decorations.

Live plants are also beneficial, as they provide oxygen and help to keep the water clean.

Water quality

Glofish are sensitive to the chemistry of their water. Yow want to ensure that ensure that there are no harmful chemicals, and that your fish has enough oxygen. If they are low on oxygen, you should check out the glofish air stone.

It is important to know that if your water chemistry is poor, it can cause your glofish to become stressed and aggressive. This can cause your glofish to attack each other.

The best way to ensure good water quality is to have a high powered filter, and to perform regular water changes.


GloFish are also sensitive to light. If the aquarium is too brightly lit, they may become stressed and aggressive. It is important to provide them with a low-light environment to keep them calm and peaceful.

Luckily, there are multiple LED lights that are designed specifically for glofish. You can learn more in my article on the best glofish aquarium accessories.


GloFish are also sensitive to noise. If the aquarium is too noisy, they may become stressed and aggressive. It is important to keep the noise level low to ensure that your GloFish remain peaceful.

Most of the time, loud noise in a fish tank can be attributed to the filter. I suggest you look for low-noise options. Additionally, some water air pumps can also cause loud noised which can stress out your glofish.


Finally, glofish are sensitive to changes in their diet. If they are not fed a balanced diet, they may become stressed and aggressive. It is important to provide them with a balanced diet to ensure that they remain peaceful.

It is also important that you feed them enough. If some of your glofish aren’t getting enough food, they will become aggressive and territorial. The best way to do this is to feed your fish in multiple spots across the tank so that they are not fighting for food in one small area.

You should also make sure that you feed them food that is safe for glofish. For example, I don’t recommend feeding goldfish food to your glofish.


Overall, glofish are a great choice for aquariums. They are peaceful, colorful, and relatively easy to care for. When selecting tankmates for glofish, it’s important to choose species that are compatible with them and provide plenty of hiding places and plants. With the right care, glofish can make a great addition to any aquarium.

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